Residence Life


Meet Your ResLife 工作人员!

凯利伊森位置: Director of Residence Life

Degrees Earned: B.A. 专攻外交事务

爱好: 阅读、旅行、烘焙、收集书籍、地球仪、茶壶和室内植物.

How many years in Resident Life: 在一所较小的学院担任3年的住房主任,在一所姐妹学校担任5年半的住宿主任/住宿生活协调员.

What is your favorite thing about being in this field?: 对学生来说,上大学是一段令人困惑的时光. They are navigating becoming an adult, being a student, 决定自己是谁,想成为什么样的人. 我工作中最好的部分就是看着这些转变,为学生提供成长和与他人联系的机会.

Why did you apply to be in Residence Life?: 我申请HSU是为了继续成为以基督为中心的氛围的一部分, advance my education in higher ed, and help grow the department of Residence Life!

What advice would you give those attending HSU?: 出现. 出现 to class, show up to activities that sound fun, 出现在你的朋友面前,最重要的是,出现在你自己面前.

布雷克阿什福德位置: Residence Director

家乡: 安森,TX

Degrees Earned: Degree in Business Administration

What are your Hobbies? Hanging out with my family. I am also a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys.

How many years in Residence Life? Working on my first year.

在PG电子官方免费下载/高等教育/住宿生活中,你最喜欢的是什么? 我最喜欢在宿舍工作的是你建立的人际关系. 看到学生在HSU的成长是一件很有趣的事情. Why did you apply to be in Residence Life? 我申请了住宿生活,因为我强烈地感觉到这是上帝带领我的地方. 我希望有机会与学生同行,帮助他们与基督一起迈出下一步.

What advice would you give those attending HSU? 我想给就读于大的同学们的建议是:享受每一刻. 利用这段时间来建立关系,留下回忆,最重要的是在基督里成长. Matthew 7:7 states, “问, and it will be given to you; seek, and you find; knock, and it will be opened to you.“你生命中的这个季节过得很快,所以不要希望它消失. 有意识地使用你的时间,不断地寻求他的同在. “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” -Psalm 105:4

位置: Residence Director 安德森大厅

家乡: Bristow, Virginia

Degrees earned: Bachelors in Composite Science Education

What are your hobbies?: 任何有创意的东西,我都喜欢手工、缝纫、烘焙,当然还有结识新朋友.

How many years in Residence Life? How long and what capacity?: 这是我担任安德森公寓主任的第一年. 然而, when I attended HSU, 我在大学公寓做了一年的住宿助理.

What is your favorite thing about being in this field?: 我喜欢住宿生活的很多地方, 但最好的是成为一个如此致力于学生和建立关系的团队的一员.

Why did you apply to be in Residence Life?: 我申请住宿生活是因为在我就读的这些年里, HSU became my home, filled with great role models and encouragers.

What advice would you give those attending HSU? 对于那些就读于HSU的学生,我的建议是全力以赴参加校园活动. 大学可以是一段成长和快乐的时光,但这一切都取决于你和谁在一起.

位置: Residence Director of behren大厅

家乡: Wellington, TX

Degrees earned: Bachelors in Agriculture and Applied Economics

What are your hobbies?: Hunting, Fishing, and Camping

How many years in Residence Life? I have been in ResLife for 1 Year

你最喜欢在学生宿舍工作的哪一点? 我能够对住校生和助教产生的影响以及校园周围建立的纽带.

What advice do you give those attending HSU? 好好享受你拥有的这段时间,尽你所能地参与其中, 你现在所拥有的联系和乐趣将会被你的余生所铭记.


位置: Residence Director of 弗格森大厅

家乡: Fort-Worth, Texas

Degrees earned:  Bachelors of Science

What are your hobbies?:  我喜欢看电影,我愿意以安全的方式探索乐趣的可能性.

How many years in Residence Life? Here at Hardin Simmons, 在我被提升为住校主任之前,我已经做了三年的住校助理.

Why did you apply to be in Residence Life? 我有一颗年轻的心,相信我可以通过上帝给我的礼物产生影响.

What advice would you give those attending HSU? Desire being loved by God. 在你们即将进入的新赛季里,我将把我的全部钱都押在你们将发展的关系上.

Leandria Thurman位置: Residence Director of Lange Residence Hall

家乡: 达拉斯,TX

Degrees Earned: Associate’s in Science from Dallas College; B.A. in Graphic Design from Hardin-Simmons University

What are your Hobbies? 我喜欢画画,尤其是我自己创作的人物! 我喜欢写作,听音乐,做饭,跳舞,和朋友们一起去冒险!

How many years in Residence Life? This will be my second year in ResLife! I was an RA for one year here at Hardin-Simmons!

在PG电子官方免费下载/高等教育/住宿生活中,你最喜欢的是什么? 我最喜欢在高等教育工作的一点是你建立的关系和你建立的联系. 当我能够向别人倾诉时,我就会感到快乐. I truly enjoy making a difference in someone’s life.

Why did you apply to be in Residence Life? 我申请了居住生活,因为我想给学生们的生活带来巨大的改变. 我相信宿舍生活是最好的地方,因为它可以让你和学生们亲力亲为. 它给了你一个机会来指导和帮助引导学生在他们生命中的这段时间.

What advice would you give those attending HSU? 我给学生们的建议是走出你的舒适区,在你所做的一切中寻求上帝. Go experience different cultures and be open to them! 你永远不知道它会打开什么样的门,遇到什么样的人! Through all of this, never forget to seek God! He has the best plan for you, and it is all awesome! He will completely blow your mind! A relationship with him is totally worth it! Adventures with God are always the best!

赛斯Tiemeyer位置: On 校园房屋 Residence Director

家乡: San Antonio, TX

Degrees Earned: BSHS in 健身, 娱乐, and Sports Management; Minor in Marketing

What are your hobbies? Playing any sport (preferably basketball), 董事会游戏, 游戏, 非功能性测试, 摄像, watching movies, adventuring in nature, 和阅读.

How long in Residence Life? This is my first year in Residence Life!

What is your favorite thing about this field? Interacting and engaging with students!

What advice would you give those attending HSU?

许多上大学的人仍在寻找自己的人生目标, much like I was at times during my stay at HSU. All I know is if God is real and if His word is true, 那么,每一个从罪中回转,相信耶稣基督在十字架上所作的拯救工作的人,就会有一个真正的生命, life-fulfilling purpose. 不要把你在大的所有时间都花在学习上. A degree and a well-paying job will never bring us true satisfaction; only Christ can do that.

And, a few more things:

  • Life is more than grades, money, possessions & 状态. All of those things are passing away.
  • 有三样东西是永恒的——神、神的话和人的灵魂. 这是我们应该为之奉献生命的三件事.
  • Read the Bible more than you look at your phone.
  • Exercise and laugh!
  • Life is better spent with family and friends.
  • Play outside and laugh some more.
  • 喜乐来自于对基督的满足,而不是你的另一半.
  • Giving is better than receiving.
  • 我们的主要目的是荣耀神,永远以他为乐.
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